ChatGPT prompts that can help

The word “prompt” may be defined differently depending on the context. Here are a few common meanings:

 Writing and Creativity: It can mean any type of stimulus that may incite a writer to come up with some writing. Such writing may come in the form of a question, a phrase, an image, or a situation.

ON Computer Programming:

A prompt with respect to a computer display is messaging or symbols that let the user know the system is ready for one to input what is provided. A very good example would be with the command line interface, the prompt indicates the shape of either > or $.

In Human-Computer Interaction:

It can be defined in most cases as a message or instruction provided by the software to the user, intending the latter to act in response to that prompt. A good example might be a pop-up request for the confirmation of deleting a file.

In open domain LMs:

A prompt, put simply, is what the AI model—let’s say, one like me, ChatGPT—is given and pressed to respond to in accordance with a text or question. For instance, this would be the prompt to write a story: “Write a story about a dragon.”

We’ve ChatGPT prompts for hours of work done within seconds.

1. Generating Reports from Data:

Using the attached spreadsheet, prepare a detailed report containing some key metrics: sales growth, customer acquisition cost, and profit margin for the last quarter.

2. Market Analysis

“Analyses [industry or sector] market and concisely summarize for me what are the most exciting trends, how big is it, and the competitive landscape.”

3. Content Creation

“Outline a blog post in detail about [topic] with potential headlines and key points for each section while mapping the data sources that will be used as references.

4. Customer Support Responses

“Outline possible responses for frequent customer support questions on [product or service], along with troubleshooting steps, refund policy, and upgrade options.”

5.PowerPoint Presentations

From the attached document, formulate a PowerPoint wherein you have an introduction, key findings, data analysis, and conclusion slides.”.

6. Meeting Notes to ToDos

“Attached are my meeting notes [attached]. I have tried listing some of the to-dos but could still use helpᅳcan you turn them into a list of clear to-dos with assigned members and deadlines?”

Blue-Brown-White-Modern-Web-Developer-LinkedIn-Banner-2-1024x256 ChatGPT prompts that can help

7. Lengthy Documents into Summary

“Here is something I would like for you to read [link or document upload] and provide a detailed summary that includes the key points, conclusions, and if provided, recommendations.”

8. Research and Summarize

“Research the topic [specific topic] and provide a concise summary concerning the key facts, the latest developments, and the major players in the field.”

9. Social Media Strategy

Design a social media strategy for [product/service] pertaining to key platforms, thematic posting areas, posting frequency, and engagement strategy”.

10. Competitor Analysis

” Do competitor analysis in respect of [branch of industry or sector] identifying the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats for key competitors.”

11. Campaign Performance Review

“Write up a performance review for our latest marketing campaign. Include some key stats, wins/challenges, and what’s next”.

12.Explanation of Code Snippet

“Tell this five year old what the following snippet does and make suggestions for efficiency. [insert code snippet]”